301 redirects

301 redirects

This page describes the steps you need to take to have some paths from your original website redirected to new paths on Styla Frontend. This is useful when migrating from another solution to Styla Frontend.

As Styla Frontend servers handle routing for websites you build with it, any 301 redirects from your old paths to the new ones will need to be set up on the Styla’s end.

This should be prepared and tested prior to the website’s go-live on your production domain.

In order to set up the redirects, Styla needs a .csv file with two columns. The first column should be the path you redirect from (on your old store front) and the second one the path you redirect to (on Styla Frontend). Both should be relative.

So the structure of the .csv file should look like this:

301 Redirect This URL,To This URL /original-path/, /styla-path/ /another/original-path/, /another-styla-path/ ...

Pass this file to your Onboarding Manager. Then Styla will set the 301 redirects up in web server’s settings and let you know once ready, for you to test it.