Current Styla Frontend Features

Current Styla Frontend Features

This document gives an overview of the general concept of Styla Frontend and all features that it currently has. Styla Frontend constantly gets new features and improvements to existing ones, so this is a living document that will be updated with each significant release.

Last update: Oct 14, 2021


Styla Frontend is the “Front” of your shop that your shoppers use to browse and purchase your goods. It’s what shoppers see and interact within the browser on their computers or phones. It is connected to a back office shop system (like BigCommerce) where it fetches all product & category data it needs. Styla has its own admin & editing area, where styling and all non-shop-system content can be managed.

Content & page types

Styla creates and manages the following types of content and pages.

Content type


Source of truth

Content type


Source of truth

Page bases / Layout Standards

A base defines layout and global content for content pages, PDPs and CLPs. A base often contains the site’s header and footer, for example. Bases can contain 'content slots'

While Page bases are nestable and inherit content from their parent base, the editor does not allow to have multiple product or category bases just yet.

Additionally, Styla currently supports a ‘default base’ for all content pages, a product base for PDPs and a category base for CLPs.

All: Styla Editor

Product pages (PDP)

An automatically generated page that shows product details

Product data: Shop system

Layout: Styla Product Base

Category pages (CLP)

An automatically generated page that lists products of a category

Category data: Shop system
